Registering as a Parishioner - Joining the Parish
Thank you for choosing to register as a parishioner of Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish. We extend a warm welcome to you and your family. Being inner-city, not all parishioners live within our geographical boundaries. You are most welcome here. Our hope is that in registering with us you will commit to playing an active role in the life of the Parish and our Pastoral Area.
Your own needs are of concern to the Parish so please too contact the Parish Office for any assistance.
The personal details you record below are for Parish use only. Completing the form below will enable us to contact you with information about the Parish and its activities and allow us to keep in regular contact with you. With regard to privacy around providing this information please see Note 1 below.
Again we welcome you and look forward to getting to know you. It is good to have you among us.
Fr Patrick Bridgman
Cathedral Administrator
Debbie Matheson (Mrs)
Lay Pastoral Leader
Do you give permission for the Sacred Heart Cathedral staff to store and use your supplied information for parish purposes as mentioned above? See Note 1 at the bottom of this form.
Please include as much information as possible.
Your Full Name
First name
Middle name
Last name
Your home address
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Are you
Parent/Guardian with children at home
Adult with no children at home
Child / Young Adult
Your Gender
Your Date of Birth
Home phone
Your cell phone number
Your email address
Confirm Your email address
Please tick the box if you would like to receive the regular parish newsletter and event information.
This requires a valid email address.
Please add partner and dependant children using the "+ Add another" button below.
Persons name
First name
Last name
Email address
Cell phone
Date of Birth
+ Add another
- Remove
Would you like to join our planned giving program?
Yes - Please send me the bank account details (Internet banking)
Parish Information Security Policy (Note 1)
The information collected on this form will be held in our electronic database. You have the right to access any information held about you at any time, and to correct that information. The parish occasionally shares photographs of activities in its newsletters and other media. This may include the names of participants. Unless you advise the parish that you do not agree to this, the submission of this form acts as your agreement for this.
You can request that your name and/or image be omitted from all or individual articles/publications by advising the Privacy Officer. In such cases, your first name may still be used. The parish’s Privacy Officer is the Parish Secretary. Please contact the Privacy Officer if you have any concerns.
Please check the highlighted fields